10 Strong and Deadly Heroes in Mobile Legends Season 19 (ML)

Esportsku will provide recommendations for strong and deadly Mobile Legends heroes in Season 19. Now for those of you who are Mobile Legends gamers, you should watch and pay attention to the following reviews!


Mobile Legends is one of the best MOBA games that has many heroes in it. One of them is the strong and deadly Mobile Legends hero in Season 19 which we will discuss thoroughly below. Esportsku will provide recommendations for strong and deadly Mobile Legends heroes in Season 19. Now for those of you who are Mobile Legends gamers, you

The number of heroes in Mobile Legends might make some players confused about how to choose the right hero to play. That’s why they tend to choose strong heroes with deadly abilities in Mobile Legends.

Here is a row of strong and deadly Mobile Legends heroes that you can use in Season 19 in Mobile Legends. So who are the heroes?


The first hero is Benedetta, who is one of the best assassin heroes that you can use in season 19 this time. Benedetta is a strong and deadly hero in the Mobile Legends game.

This hero is often used as a jungler or hyper carry hero, with his deadly attack abilities to fast and easy attacks to attack enemies in various directions being Benedetta’s strengths.

Yu Zhong

The second is Yu Zhong, who is one of the fighters who is often played as an offlaner. This one hero is very famous for being strong and also deadly, this is thanks to the ability of Yu Zhong who does have great damage but also strong.

Yu Zhong is one of the most deadly offlaner heroes that you can use right now. Especially in Season 19, Yu Zhong is still the best option as a lane guard who is ready to be used in your matches in Mobile Legends.


Lancelot is the next strong and deadly Mobile Legends hero. This hero is known to be very tough thanks to his immune ability which can easily escape from various attacks.

The immunity is very strong, and Lancelot also has a very good attack which is deadly. You can use Lancelot as a hyper carry hero and also as a jungler in Season 19 in Mobile Legends.


Next is Ling who is a strong and deadly hero. This is thanks to the ability of the hero Ling which can provide fast attacks while getting a strong defense.

Ling’s defense lies in Ling’s ultimate hero ability which can make him get high immunity. With this attack, Ling was able to initiate and escape quickly.


Next is Roger who is one of the strong and deadly heroes of Mobile Legends. Roger is a marksman hero as well as a hybrid fighter. The ability of this one hero lies in his very deadly attack speed and lifestyle abilities.

This hero also has an area attack on the first skill of his wolf mode, thus providing a fast and deadly attack. Roger is said to have a strong defense because he can get a shield when he changes modes.


Next is Claude, who is one of the best marksman heroes who has a very strong and deadly ability. Claude is often used as a hyper carry hero, he is a marksman who is very agile and useful in a match.

In Season 19, Claude is often met by ranked matches, then this hero is often played by pro players in the MPL ID Season 7 tournament. So how about playing Claude in Mobile Legends?

Yi Sun Shin

Next is Yi Sun Shin, who is one of the heroes who has excellent abilities in playing the hyper carry or jungler role. This hero marksman hybrid assassin is one of the most powerful and deadly heroes.

Yi Sun Shin has become a very meta hero in these several seasons. This hero is often played and is a battle for the pick in both the MPL ID Season 7 tournament and the regular ranked match. Yi Sun Shin is the best hero you can use.


Recently, Paquito has become one of the many heroes picked in official matches in Mobile Legends. Not only ranked mode, Paquito is also one of the heroes who can become any hero in the Mobile Legends game.

Paquito’s main role is actually a Sidelaner with deadly damage like an assassin hero, but recently, this hero fighter is often played as a tanker and is very strong both in defense and in attack.


Next is Alucard who is the fighter assassin hero in Mobile Legends. This hero is a strong and deadly hero who has a solid resistance thanks to his lifesteal. As well as large and deadly damage attacks.

Alucard gets a fairly high pick rate, this is thanks to the ability of Alucard who is often played as a jungler or a hyper carry hero. Alucard is one of the best heroes you can play in Season 19 today.


In the list of Mobile Legends heroes, the last strong and deadly is Hayabusa. This hero assassin deserves the title because he has the agility that makes him survive very well.

Hayabusa also has enormous damage which makes it very deadly in attacking. Especially in season 19, Hayabusa tends to be played as a hyper carry hero and determines the match in Mobile Legends.

That’s it for a row of strong and deadly Mobile Legends heroes season 19! You can use the heroes in the list above to win more every match in the Mobile Legends game. Hopefully useful and see you later. Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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