4 factors of heroes to become Meta Mobile Legends (ML)

There are 5 Hero Meta Mobile Legends (ML) Factors. Actually, if this hero is meta, it doesn't mean he is the best. Because there is also something called anti meta which we will explain later at a later time.


Meta or the most effective tactics available to put it roughly, is the most effective tactics at the moment. So, there are several hero factors that become meta in Mobile Legends. If you have this, it will be a meta in the game. There are 5 Hero Meta Mobile Legends (ML) Factors. Actually, if this hero is meta, it doesn’t mean he is the best. Because there is also something called anti meta which we will explain later at a later time.

Actually, if this hero is meta, it doesn’t mean he is the best. Because there is also something called anti meta which we will explain later at a later time. To become meta, it’s quite easy.

The actual meta is not decided. Usually this just happens without agreement. For example the meta that is formed from a pub match will just be followed by many people. Different meta pro play which comes from the strategy of each team.

So if you can understand what the hero factors are meta in Mobile Legends based on my experience when playing Mobile legends (ML).

1. Very Effective

Some heroes are more effective than others. This is supported by many factors, for example the strong Thamuz in the early game is very difficult to stop so it becomes a meta.

Regarding effectiveness, it is subjective. But you can take from the majority only on this matter. Both in terms of damage, tanky, CC, or other things. Usually meta heroes excel here.

2. Most Strong In His Role

The Hero Meta Mobile Legends (ML) factor with several heroes who are very effective at their roll.

Even so, there are some heroes that are arguably not superior to their one effectiveness, but the strongest in their roll. For example, Yu Zhong and Khaleed, who often appear as meta picks or powerpicks.

They are arguably one of the best in their roll. Difficult to replace with other heroes and always excel in the laning phase and after. Usually they will be very difficult to conquer by non meta heroes.

3. Used in the Pro Scene

Even though it is not popular in pub matches, if it is often picked up in the pro match it can be a meta. For example, Jawhead, who initially was not very popular in rank or pub matches and after being picked up, continued to be a meta.

The Hero Meta Mobile Legends (ML) factor does not always have to be the best in the role or only effective because most of them are flex heroes. This can help their team members because high rank and pro matches prioritize teamwork.

4. Overpowered

Yes, this is very clear. Surely OP heroes will automatically become meta. Call it the hero Benedetta who is too broken in all aspects. The best in terms of damage, sustain, and others are the main reasons.

Those are some of the hero factors to be meta in Mobile Legends (ML). Very strong and effective in use. Almost mandatory to use meta heroes to get easy wins in the game. Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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