5 Free Fire (FF) Slang to Play in Squad Mode!
In any online game, there has to be some terms and slangs that is important for every players to know. So here we have some Free Fire slang to play in squad mode that you need to know!
In any online game, there has to be some terms and slangs that is important for every players to know. Online gamers usually use these slangs to communicate easier with fellow gamers. In Free Fire, there are some terms and slangs as well that is important for you to know to communicate better with your teammates. So here we have some Free Fire slang to play in squad mode that you need to know!
5 Free Fire (FF) Slang to Play in Squad Mode!
Pushing is a term that you will often hear, if you play offensively in Free Fire. It is a term that a team member often mention, to initiate an attack directly towards the enemy. Pushing can also means that your team will try to close the distance between your team and the enemy’s team. This is important for you to know in order to communicate better as you attack the enemy.
Don’t forget that reviving is an important thing to do in squad mode. Especially when your friend is getting closer to death in the game. Revive is really useful to get your knocked out friend to get back into battle.
Remember that it is no always the right thing to do to revive a friend. There are times where it is not a good decision to revive a friend. For example, if an enemy knocks out your friend and your friend is in an open area. Then it might not be the right decision for you to save him.
Other than pushing, defend is also an important instruction for you to know. You can tell your friend to defend their position, or hold their position in one certain area. This is useful for you to know to communicate your teammate to defend in certain situation. It’s because you need some balance between an offensive play and a defensive play.
This one is a slang that you will often hear in any online war games, especially Free Fire. Sandwich is a term to explain a situation where you’re in a terrible position.
Specifically, sandwich is a word to explain that you’re stuck in a position where there are two different enemies coming from both sides of your flank.
The last term is healing, where this word is also important as a reminder to your fellow teammate, if they run out of HP. Healing is also an important form of communication to report your situation. Because as you heal, you are combat ineffective. Which is why, it is important to report to your friend if you want to heal. Because if you do so, your friend will provide covering fire for you.
And that’s some of the Free Fire slang to play in squad mode that you need to know. Be sure to follow esportsku on instagram for more tips to come!