5 Heroes For Vexana Combo Mobile Legends (ML)
For you Vexana users. Here, Esportsku will provide recommendations for the best Vexana combo heroes in Mobile Legends. Use the following heroes to maximize it.
Vexana is one of the mage heroes who has the ability to turn on other heroes. He can use it as a partner to attack the opponent. For you Vexana users, this is the best Vexana combo hero in Mobile Legends. For you Vexana users. Here, Esportsku will provide recommendations for the best Vexana combo heroes in Mobile Legends. Use the following heroes to maximize it.
As a hero mage, he has the ability of CC and a fairly large damage area, his ability will also be even greater if there are creeps or heroes that have been defeated by making them explode and attack other heroes.
The first combo hero is Faramis, one of the underrated mage heroes that you can combo with Vexana in Mobile Legends.
Both have the ability to revive a defeated hero, so that it can help him in attacking.
You can take advantage of Vexana’s passive and also Faramis’ ultimate which can turn on heroes to attack opponents.
The next Vexana combo hero in the Mobile Legends game is Alice, is one of the hero mages, you can use Alice as one of Vexana’s best combos.
Alice is a mage with melee attacks, her ability can attack the opponent’s HP and deal high damage.
You can use this combo when Alice attacks with her ultimate, then Vexana can help provide additional damage and is covered by Alice.
Dyrroth is a melee hero who desperately needs CC’s help from his teammates. With Vexana, you can make it very difficult for the target to avoid dyrroth attacks.
Vexana has a CC ability that can attract opponents and make it very difficult for opponents to move. So with this help Dyrroth can attack the opponent very well again.
Next, the Vexana combo hero in Mobile Legend Sun. Is a fighter hero, Sun’s ability can summon his comrades to fight, you can attack together and beat your opponent better.
With so many shadows that appear it will make it difficult for opponents to dodge. Sun can attack freely and get support from Vexana.
The last Vexana combo hero is Vexana. Is one of the best support mage heroes. Angela can give buffs to her teammates.
With the ultimate Angela can make Vexana get a shield and also additional movement speed so that she can survive in attacking.
That way, Vexana and Angela can be better at attacking with high AoE defense and attack.
So that’s the best Vexana combo hero that you can play in the Mobile Legend game. Hopefully useful and useful yes! See you! Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!
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