5 Heroes That Are Often Banned in Group Stage M3 World Championship 2021 Mobile Legends (ML)

Now, we will discuss with anyone who often gets banned at the Group Stage yesterday. Of course, it will be fun for us to discuss together and try to find out why this hero is being targeted.


There are some heroes in Mobile Legends who are very strong and very difficult to fight. Including in M3 where there are several heroes who are often banned from the Group Stage M3 World Championship. These heroes almost always go to tire jail! Now, we will discuss with anyone who often gets banned at the Group Stage yesterday. Of course, it will be fun for us to discuss together and try to find out why this hero is being targeted.

The reasons why heroes get banned are very diverse. Some are due to respect for tires, too strong, difficult to counter, or indeed the draft pick is included in their strat. Because of this it will be difficult to know why someone gets banned consistently.

But some of the heroes on this list are indeed very strong and very difficult to release. The problem is, some are safe picks where when picked, will be safe except on the hard counter. Hard counters are too much in the pro scene.

We will discuss some of the heroes who get banned the most. This data is taken from all groups from A to D. Apparently there are heroes who are often banned and we rarely see them appear in games.

Here are some of the heroes :

Hayabusa – 23 Ban / 92%

It’s no joke that Hayabusa was banned 23 times which is very high. Keep in mind the total games on the Group Stage are 4 x 6 (all groups) + 3 (tie breaker) which is 27 games because of Bo1. Hayabusa has been banned for 23 times, which means it has a 92% tire rate and 100% pick/tire.

Yve – 17 Ban / 68%

Besides Hayabusa, Yve also has a very high number of tires. With 17 tires in all games, this is certainly a relatively large number. He who has a large AoE damage may be the reason as a hero subscribed to the Group Stage M3 ban.

Ling – 17 Ban / 68%

Group D became the biggest contributor to the Ling ban because many people respected Albert’s hero tire. But in other groups it’s actually quite big too. This earned Ling 17 times the ban throughout the Group Stage.

Estes – 15 Ban / 60%

Estes gets a 100% tire rate in Group A, but in the other groups it doesn’t seem that often on tires. But he still has a high tire rate of 15 times the tire. This number is quite large considering that he is the most effective support in a big teamfight. One of the terrible heroes of the Group Stage M3 tire subscription.

Yu Zhong – 13 Ban / 52%

This hero is also effective in M3 because of its huge impact in team fights. Yu Zhong got tires of 13 times which is a relatively large number. Strong AOE damage and high sustain are the reasons.

So, that’s the Group Stage M3 tire subscription hero that maybe you can try to get a rank ban too. These heroes, but you need to remember that they are very strong if you really play in a compact team. If playing solo isn’t really worth it, it’s an auto ban. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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