5 Mobile Legends Support That Dropped Tier (ML)
Esportsku has already been summarized for those of you who want to use it or are just curious about the hero. Actually they are quite strong, it's just not very effective considering that a lot has changed in this new season.
Moonton paid less attention to support players because many shifted to tanks rather than pure support. Plus, there are several Mobile Legends support that have dropped tiers for several reasons. The main thing is because it doesn’t fit in this meta. Esportsku has already been summarized for those of you who want to use it or are just curious about the hero. Actually they are quite strong, it’s just not very effective considering that a lot has changed in this new season.
These heroes are actually still strong and worthy of use, it’s just that compared to the past, it might be different. Most of them are just not suitable to be played in this meta, but some are because of nerf. Due to the small support pool, this is not a problem.
For those who are curious about the support that is somewhat less popular to the point of dropping the tier, you can see below. Keep in mind that that doesn’t mean they are bad to use huh, just that they are less effective and there may be better options.
Faramis is not that strong now and actually he was not that strong from before. Faramis is a hero who is too niche thanks to his skills, especially at ulti. It’s strong, it’s just that compared to other support heroes it’s quite far from the aspect of effectiveness.
Estes is a support buffer healer that has a pretty good CC. From afar, it seems that he is strong because he has many advantages, but unfortunately not so. As a healer, he doesn’t have a good heal, the buffs are so-so, the CC is poor too. This makes Estes a hero responsibility.
Rafaela is a support poke healer. In the early game, he was the best hero in terms of poke and he wasn’t so bad either. But the meta assassin killer makes it less useful because everything dies quickly. Moreover, heal is easy to count in high rank.
Kaja was arguably almost autopick in the past, but unfortunately it’s not that strong now. Kaja is a strong kidnap hero, but if you pay attention the assassin is better at this. Kaja is also easy to read the movements because it is too fixated on the ulti.
Now for Carmilla it’s a little weird. Her tier and pickrate are not that impressive even though her skillset is very strong. Moreover, he has a good synergy with Brody, Esmeralda, Barats, and others. Lack of understanding also saw Carmilla slumped a little now.
Those are some of the Mobile Legends support that has dropped tiers. Most of the heroes are offmeta but some are nerfed. Support that is more inclined towards the tank makes them less good at picking. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!
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