How long is the AFK penalty in Mobile Legends (ML)
Esportsku this time will provide information on how long the AFK penalty in Mobile Legends. Now for those of you who are Mobile Legends gamers, it's best to see the full review which we will tell you below.
Mobile Legends is one of the most popular MOBA games today that you can play, there is the term AFK in this game which is the same as other MOBAs, then how long is the AFK penalty in Mobile Legends? Esportsku this time will provide information on how long the AFK penalty in Mobile Legends. Now for those of you who are Mobile Legends gamers, it’s best to see the full review which we will tell you below.
AFK or Away From Keyboard does not only apply to PC games such as DOTA 2, LOL or others, the term AFK is also often a term that is present in the Mobile Legends game. Even though the meaning is different, players often mention AFK in their games.
Doing AFK is tantamount to committing a violation in the Mobile Legends game, because when you commit AFK or other mistakes, you will get a pretty harsh penalty in this one game.
The number of players, the conditions of each player allow AFK to occur in a match. AFK violation itself is usually done intentionally or unintentionally, regarding this, how long is the AFK penalty in Mobile Legends?
How long is the AFK penalty in Mobile Legends
For those of you who do AFK, it is clear that you will get a penalty if you do it. However, the penalty given is included in the Credit Score system in the Mobile LEgends game. To find out how long the AFK penalty in Mobile Legends is, we explain it as follows.
When you do AFK, it will affect or decrease your Credit Score in Mobile Legends. The more often you do it, the less credit score will be.
Then the fewer credit scores you have, then you will get enough credit that you can get, therefore. For those of you who really don’t want to get penalized, you should avoid AFK in Mobile Legends.
For example, when you AFK once in the last one match, then your friend AFK 10 times in 100 matches. Then the one who will get heavier punishment is your friend.
Now the penalty, the one who most often performs AFK is not being able to play Mobile Legends until the specified time. For players who make AFK twice in ranked mode, the player will be banned for 1 day and cannot play again.
So if the player does AFK 2 times after the 1 day sentence is over, then the next day he will get another penalty. The less the value of the credit score, the more penalties you get.
That’s all, a review of how long the AFK penalty is in Mobile Legends. Hopefully the above reviews can be useful especially for those of you who are currently Mobile Legends gamers. Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!
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