5 Recommended Heroes for Midlaner Meta Season 20 Mobile Legends (ML)
There are several heroes that we recommend for you to use in the current meta. In the following, Esportsku will provide the best midlaner heroes in meta season 20 in Mobile Legends.
Mobile Legends is one of the best MOBA games that has a lot of heroes in it, one of which is a hero with a midlaner role, where this hero is in charge of playing in the middle lane, here are the recommended midlaner hero meta season 20 Mobile Legends. There are several heroes that we recommend for you to use in the current meta. In the following, Esportsku will provide the best midlaner heroes in meta season 20 in Mobile Legends.
As the name suggests, the midlaner usually has the task of guarding the middle lane, in this case usually using a mage hero who has excellent kiting skills, repaying opponents to leave.
The following is a list of recommendations for the best midlaner heroes that you can use in meta season 20 in the Mobile Legends game. Now see what these heroes are.
First is the Kagura hero who is the most meta hero at the moment. Kagura is the best hero that you can use right now, Kagura also got several buffs to skins in Season 20 which made him play a lot.
This one hero has excellent CC, great damage and is able to easily guard the midlaner, Kagura also has very good mobility which makes him able to easily rotate.
Next is Chang’e who is one of the best mage heroes you can play, Chang’e has the ultimate which allows him to attack opponents from a great distance, this hero can also easily clear lane.
Now for those of you who are Chang’e users, you can easily maintain midlaners by using this one hero, especially Chang’e is a mage hero who is very easy to play.
Next is Harley who is one of the best heroes you can play in the Mobile Legends game. Harley is a hybrid mage assassin hero who has excellent mobility abilities.
Harley’s best ability is to lock up your opponent and inflict great damage, this hero is a single target hero who can beat your opponent quickly. You can play him as the best midlaner in season 20 at this time.
Next is the Vale hero who is one of the best heroes you can play as a midlaner in meta season 20. Vale is a mage who has great damage and can be a damage dealer in a match.
The first advantage of being a midlaner is the ability to combine skills that are very deadly. Vale can be the best support for ganking attacks on every lane in Mobile Legends.
Finally, the midlaner meta season 20 hero is Eudora. This one hero is a meta hero who is increasingly popular after getting his latest revamp in the Mobile Legends game. So you must have understood the horror of Eudora’s hero.
Playing Eudora relies heavily on her deadly combination of skills, Eudora is able to withstand the mid lane very easily thanks to her damage ability, CC and others.
So that’s it for the recommended midlaner meta season 20 hero in the Mobile Legends game. Hopefully this review can be useful especially for those of you who are Mobile Legends gamers. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!
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