Epic Vexana Skin Bug Only 0 Diamonds in Mobile Legends (ML)

So you know, now to be precise about the Mobile Legends game update on May 11, 2021, you will get a bug for the Epic hero Vexana skin. Which skin price is only 0 diamonds?


Mobile Legends has quite a number of hero skins that you can buy. The fault is the Epic Vexana skin, this skin has found a bug that allows you to get the price of 0 diamonds in Mobile Legends. So you know, now to be precise about the Mobile Legends game update on May 11, 2021, you will get a bug for the Epic hero Vexana skin. Which skin price is only 0 diamonds?

A bug often occurs in a game, including the Mobile Legends game. As long as it is made, the bugs that are present have also been resolved properly.

Epic Vexana Skin Bug Only 0 Diamonds in Mobile Legends

To see this bug, you can try it yourself by sending a skin gift to your friends in Mobile Legends.

To do this, first, please go to the Shop menu in Mobile Legends.
Next, click the Skin menu for all heroes.
Continue by entering the Gift Skin menu, which is at the top.
Then select and look for Vexana’s Epic hero skin – Sanguine Rose
Just send it to a friend, the price of the skin will appear.

This bug displays the Epic Vexana skin – Sanguine Rose, which only costs 0 diamonds. Then can you buy it with 0 diamonds?

Unfortunately, when you click to send to a friend, a notification “Item Not Found” will appear, which means the item was not found.

Even though it has a price of 0 diamonds, you can’t buy this skin at that price. This bug only displays the price of 0 diamonds, and that doesn’t mean you can get it. It’s quite a shame!

This bug only applies to the Vexana skin – Sanguine Rose, which is one of the Epic skins that you can buy for 899 diamonds.

This bug only applies to Vexana heroes, when the author tries to use another hero like Chou who is STUN Series, the price is still the same.

So interesting for you to try? Moreover, this buff is still new, and the author has just proven it. Well even though you won’t get that skin.

But as you know, the KOF Event will soon be coming to Mobile Legends. In the previous year, the KOF event was very busy, which had an interesting buff and the players got quite a lot of skins.

Until this article was written, you can still find the above skin bugs in the Mobile Legends game. Moonton still hasn’t provided information about the buf, even though it’s probably just a price bug, and fortunately players don’t get the skin in Mobile Legends.

Hopefully this buff won’t happen in the next KOF event either. Now that’s all about the information about the Vexana – Sanguine Rose skin bug with 0 diamonds in Mobile Legends, hopefully it’s useful. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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