Franco Quotes Mobile Legends (ML)

Read on below for those of you who want to know how Franco's quotes are available in Mobile Legends. It's not too much, so you won't have so much trouble knowing what to do.


Franco is indeed one of the longest heroes in Mobile Legends. But apparently the words of the hero Franco Mobile Legends (ML) or his quotes are not many. Yes, he is a veteran hero with the fewest quotes. Read on below for those of you who want to know how Franco’s quotes are available in Mobile Legends. It’s not too much, so you won’t have so much trouble knowing what to do.

This is for several reasons. But the most important thing is that from the beginning he didn’t have many quotes, then his skin didn’t change the quotes too much. Besides, maybe this is a sign that he will get a revamp.

Of course, you must be curious, what are the words of this hero in Mobile Legends. Franco, who is a tank, may not be so popular because of his role. But the quotes are quite interesting.

Franco Quotes Mobile Legends

Franco currently has only one skin that adds quotes. The additional quotes from the skin also don’t add many words. So combine it with Franco who has a few basic quotes, he’s not that varied.

Hopefully he gets a revamp so he can get more quotes in the game. For those who are curious, here are Franco’s voicelines and quotes

Original Skin

Hero Select

  • “I love the smell of gunpowder in the morning!”

Hero Move

  • “One shot, one kill!”
  • “Time to teach you guys a lesson.”
  • “A real fighter never runs!”
  • “Let me teach you some rules, crubs!”

Hero Death

  • “Chicken wings…”
  • “Uuaaarghhh!”
  • “Naahh!”

Blazing Axe

Hero Select

  • “I’ll show them true cruelty!”
  • “Do you want a drink? *burps*”
  • “Those dead people knew what would happen if you get on my nerves!”

This hero tank doesn’t have so many choices of quotes that you can hear. From the hero moves alone, there are only four that you can hear. But this will probably change in the revamp update if he gets it.

Revamp can add quotes, for example Miya who is lucky to get a lot of additional quotes. But heroes such as Alucard added his quotes because maybe because they were very popular and VA also the words of his hero Franco Mobile Legends (ML) were replaced.

So for users as well as Franco fans, take it easy. It is very likely that he will get a revamp. This is because he is one of the most popular tankers in Mobile Legends and he often appears.

This tanker is indeed interesting, because although it is rarely used in pro play, it sells well in pub matches. This is because Franco is a relatively fun tanker to play and not too boring. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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