Free Fire Tips on Tracking Your Enemy in FF

In this article, we will give you some tips on tracking your enemy in Free Fire. This way, you will be a better scout in your team, and you can also scare your enemy because they will always be spotted by you in the game.


Playing video games can be one of the most exciting activity to do. In android, there are many games provided for users to play, and one of the game genre is a battle royale game. There are many battle royale game in android, and you can try Free Fire to have the best battle royale experience.

Until now, Garena is always updating the game for new events and features. There’s also many tips and tricks available for you to be a better player in Free Fire.

In this article, we will give you some tips on tracking your enemy in Free Fire. This way, you will be a better scout in your team, and you can also scare your enemy because they will always be spotted by you in the game.

1. Pay Attention to the Map

In Free Fire, there’s a map and a minimap feature. These features can be very useful in the game. It’s because the map can identify any incoming enemy. In the minimap, there will be footsteps visible if there’s someone other than your team approaching. The footsteps can also be heard if you hear it closely.

2. Listen Closely

The next thing you can do is to listen closely to your surroundings. If you’re listening, you can spot approaching enemies, firing enemies, and also enemy’s moving vehicle. The indicators will also visible in the minimap if they’re close enough.

3. Scout Them With a Scope

You can scout your enemy with your weapon in Free Fire. But make sure to spot them with an enemy. It’s because the scope in the weapon will turn red once it aims at the enemy. If the enemy is at an open space, or at a less strategic place, you can kill your enemy right away.

4. The Zone

You also need to pay attention to the zone. The narrower the zone, the more player will be closer to each other. If you survive to the point where the enemy is close enough to each other, it will be easier to track and mark your enemy.

5. Use Moco as Your Character

Moco’s role is a hacker in Free Fire. This character’s skill is that she can spot enemies around her. In order to mark the enemy location, you need to hit your enemy first. After that, the enemy’s location will be visible if you’re using Moco as your character.

That’s some info that we can give on how to track your enemy in Free Fire. Ready to be the best scout in Free Fire? You better be ready!