Hero User Demon Hunter Swords Items Mobile Legends

There are so many items in Mobile Legends, and you can buy items that match the hero you are using. Each Hero also has a different type of attack to use, so the build items for each hero in Mobile Legends are different.


Mobile Legends has many items that you can use. Items in Mobile Legends are very important. Because, items in Mobile Legends have attributes that can increase the hero stats you use. Items can increase Damage or Defense, depending on the hero you use. It’s a good idea to pay attention to the items you use. Because, there are many things you should know when using items.

We will give a tips about, Hero ML Suitable for Using Demon Hunter Sword items mobile legends. This item is usually used by Marksman who rely on Attack Speed. We will provide hero recommendations and item details for you, so that you understand the use of this item properly.


+35 Physical ATK
+ 25% Attack Speed
Passive Ability – Devour
-Normal attacks will add 9% of the target’s HP in addition to physical damage (a maximum of     60  to monsters). Every normal attack will get 4% Lifesteal effect for 3 seconds, can be stacked   5 times.

Demon Hunter Sword has good attributes for Marksman, because it has additional Physical attack and Atk Speed. In addition, his passivity allows marksman to easily fight tank heroes or heroes with thick blood. The skill makes the user’s basic attack of this item, getting an additional damage of 9% of the target’s cellphone as physical damage. In addition, you also get additional lifesteal for item users.

The following are heroes who usually use Demon Hunter Sword items.


Karrie can attack enemies quickly thanks to her attack speed and ultimate. This allows him to deal high damage from his pass and Demon Hunter Sword items.


Miya is a marksman hero with a high attack speed. This hero can provide high damage by relying on attack speed, and has high raw damage from the Demon Hunter Sword item.


Claude is a marksman who has a unique passive. With high attack speed, you can deal high damage even against tanks.

Those are tips about ML Hero Suitable for Using Demon Hunter Sword Items. This item is usually for Marksman heroes, or heroes who rely on attack speed. This item will allow each of your attacks to add additional damage and provide a lifesteal. Also Follow Our Social Media on Instagram Esportsku!