How to Activate the Ultimate Skill of Wanwan in Mobile Legends (ML)
On this occasion we will discuss how to activate the ultimate skills of women in the Mobile Legends game. Wanwan is indeed quite difficult because she has an ultimate that cannot be activated carelessly. Therefore, an additional trick is needed to activate it in Mobile Legends.
Well, this time there are several easy ways to activate the Ultimate Wanwan Mobile Legends (ML) skill that you can use. So, use these methods! On this occasion we will discuss how to activate the ultimate skills of women in the Mobile Legends game. Wanwan is indeed quite difficult because she has an ultimate that cannot be activated carelessly. Therefore, an additional trick is needed to activate it in Mobile Legends.
Wanwan is a Marksman hero in Mobile Legends who is the most difficult to play. Not because the skill set is complicated, some other skills are even simpler and easier, but there are conditions to activate Ultimate Wanwan.
Even though the basic damage of ML women is relatively small as a role for mobile legends marksman. Wanwan’s Ultimate Skill has a deadly attack with a fairly wide area of attack. If players can use it easily and anytime, of course he will be a very terrible hero, right? Therefore, Monton limits the use of these skills so that Wanwan can balance with other heroes.
Wanwan is a little strange. Many players play themselves like a normal marksman. Actually Wanwan is a marksman who is more suitable to be played like an assassin. Very strong in sidelane thanks to his kiting.
Easy Ways to Activate the Ultimate Skill of Wanwan in Mobile Legends
As previously mentioned, To activate Wanwan’s ultimate skill, you must fulfill several conditions for activating it. You have to attack the weak point on the enemy. If successful, there will be a special indicator that shows that your skill will be active and ready to launch.
The way to activate the enemy’s weak point is by the appearance of a circle mark on the enemy hero. The mark is encircled on both sides. Now your task is to direct skill 1 from Wanwan towards the enemy continuously then attack him with a basic attack.
How to Activate Ultimate Wanwan Mobile Legends
- This method is not very successful, but it is effective enough to activate Ultimate Wanwan easily and safely.
- The easy way to activate the second Ultimate Wanwan Mobile Legends (ML) Skill is a bit risky, namely by attacking the enemy sideways or behind the enemy hero.
- You can take advantage by using ambus or ganking enemy heroes from behind.
- The method is quite easy. You only need to hide in the ambush or from behind the Tank hero. Do this method together, so that you are safe when you want to attack sideways or behind.
- This second method is powerful enough to activate Wanwan’s ultimate quickly. But keep your position still covered or in the protection of the Tank.
How to Know Wanwan’s Enemy Weak Points
The way to find out the enemy’s weak point is by attacking the enemy from both directions, usually Wanwan will provide indicators such as the circle effect that you have attacked with basic attacks and female skills. Then the UI Ultimate Wanwan will automatically open.
But so that you can easily open Ultimate Wanwan, of course you have to get used to playing this one hero. The easiest way is to continuously attack the enemy until your ulimate is active. If you are used to it, then the opportunity to activate Ultimate Wanwan will be easier.
So that’s how to activate Wanwan’s ultimate in Mobile Legends. Wanwan is indeed a hero who is quite difficult to use, but it is not impossible to conquer. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!
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