How to Bait for Your Team in Free Fire

Bait is one of the strategy that a team can use in a battle. Bait is when one of your teammate tries to distract the enemy's attention. As the enemy's attention is distracted, the other team member will try to advance for an attack towards the enemy.


Free Fire is a battle royale shooting game. This game is quite famous with players worldwide. In Free Fire, there are many types of weapon that you can use. And there is also characters with different skills. To play better, we will tell you an effective strategy that you can apply in the game. Here we will tell you how to bait to gain advantage for your team in Free Fire.

Bait is one of the strategy that a team can use in a battle. Bait is when one of your teammate tries to distract the enemy’s attention. As the enemy’s attention is distracted, the other team member will try to advance for an attack towards the enemy. This strategy is kinda look alike the ganking strategy. The difference is that baiting requires one member to distract the enemy’s attention.

The team member who distracts the enemy’s attention is usually the one who is capable of running fast and able to evade the enemy quickly. Use the right character with a good team coordination, and you can bait properly afterwards.

The Right Character for a Bait

Using the right character for a bait can give you an advantage with this strategy. There are many characters that you can use as a bait. It’s usually a character that is capable of running fast. If you’re using the right character, you can easily bait your enemy to distract them. Characters like Kelly or DJ Alok can be used to bait the enemy. Let them distract the enemy’s attention, while the others can try to attack the enemy from the other side.

Make It Fast

While baiting, the whole team need to be ready to attack the enemy as soon as the enemy is distracted. The bait won’t keep the enemy’s attention for a long period of time. So make sure that you and your squad do everything fast and clean, so the bait won’t be a waste. It’s better to use a sniper or a flanker to finish your enemy instantly.

Make Sure the Assault Team Doesn’t Get Spotted

The bait’s main goal is to completely distract the enemy from the team’s presence towards them. So it’s better that the rest of the team doesn’t get spotted as the bait distracts the enemy. If your team is spotted, the enemy can flank your team to counter the attack and everything will go south. It’s usually the sniper and the flanker’s job to attack the enemy. So the support or the tank in your team can be the bait for the enemy.

That’s some explanation that we can inform you on how to bait your enemy for your team to attack them. Always remember to do it fast and clean, so the bait won’t be a waste.