How to Get a Random Skin Chest in Mobile Legends (ML)
Here, Esportsku will show you how to get an item called Random Skin Chest in Mobile Legends. Both free and paid. You see the review here.
Random Skin Chest is one of the Chest items which will provide free skins, for those of you who want additional free skins, here’s how to get a Random Skin Chest in Mobile Legends. Here, Esportsku will show you how to get an item called Random Skin Chest in Mobile Legends. Both free and paid. You see the review here.
As gamers who are looking for various free gifts, you can try to get a Random Skin Chest, where these items are usually obtained for free or paid.
Of course, as a Mobile Legends gamer, you can try to get a Random Skin Chest and collect various skins for free, you can see the review here.
How to Get a Random Skin Chest in Mobile Legends
To get a Random Skin Chest in Mobile Legends, you can see several ways as follows.
You need to know, the Random Skin Chest is an item that can be considered rare or indeed this item is difficult to obtain, because the Random Skin Chest will give a normal skin as a gift for free.
Unlike other Chests, it only provides trial skin, BP, to Magic Dust, in Random Skin Chests you can get 1 Normal skin with a choice of several other skins.
Later you can choose one of the three skins that are presented. Then you can get it and become yours permanently. The method is as follows:
Via Starlight Pass
The first way to get a Random Skin Chest is through the Starlight Pass. You need to know, this method can be considered paid or practically free.
You can open the Starlight Pass by subscribing to a Starlight Member. So you have to buy a Starlight Member first if you want to get a Random Skin Chest.
Now, after buying, you can complete the Tasks on the Starlight Pass until you manage to collect various tasks on Starlight and claim the prizes.
Now one of the prizes that you can get on the Starlight Pass is a Random Skin Chest, when you reach a certain level, you can get a Random Skin Chest and get a free normal skin permanently.
Through Events
The second is through events, the Mobile Legends game always presents events in which there are various attractive prizes.
Not infrequently Moonton also presents prizes such as Random Skin Chests in the events it presents.
Now to get a Random Skin Chest in the Event, you can get it for free. So you don’t need to buy a Starlight Pass or anything else.
Enough to follow the event that is presented, then you can claim a Random Skin Chest at the event.
After the Random Skin Chest is obtained, then just open it, and you can get one normal skin at random.
So that’s it for information on how to get a Random Skin Chest in Mobile Legends. Hopefully useful and useful for those of you who need it. See you! Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!
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