How to Get Battle Emote Marionette Mobile Legends (ML)

Just try to get a cool item gift like this now. It's easy and fast, you just try it right away.


Mobile Legends has released a lot of the latest very cool updates for you to try. There’s even a way to get the Marionette Mobile Legends (ML) Battle Emote, so you have a good expression. Just try to get a cool item gift like this now. It’s easy and fast, you just try it right away.

Especially for several themes that appear in this game, so that Mobile Legends players will be excited again. Because the missions and prizes that appear in the Event will become even easier later.

How to Get Battle Emote Marionette

  1. Enter into Mobile Legends
    Players must first enter the Mobile Legends game, so they can get the Marionette Battle Emote right now.
  2. Select Shop and Emote
    Then immediately we select the Shop first, then the Emote category that we can immediately find it easy right now.
  3. Use 79 Diamonds to Get Battle Emote Marionette
    In order to get the Marionette Battle Emote, you must use the 79 Diamonds that already exist now. Maybe that way, the player can have this gift.
  4. Via Mission Event or Draw
    Then we can go directly through the Mission Event or Draw, so that we can immediately have a Battle Emote Marionette prize like this.
  5. Battle Emote Enter Prep
    After we have used this Battle Emote now, just enter the Prep section right now. It turned out to be a good opportunity, so that we can immediately use it.

The newest gift for the cool Battle Emote Marionette, so that you can express yourself when you’ve done a kill against the enemy. Like showing Angela’s face who is happy with her doll. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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