How to Get Border Avatar International Labor Day Mobile Legends (ML)

It's something you can't miss. Because of the gifts that you will receive, you can definitely receive and get such a rare grand prize very easily.


Mobile Legends has released lots of great updates with really cool prizes. Then there is How to Get Border Avatars for International Labor Day Mobile Legends (ML), a fairly rare gift for players. Those of you who, of course, don’t have it at all, you still have the chance to have a cool gift like this. It’s something you can’t miss. Because of the gifts that you will receive, you can definitely receive and get such a rare grand prize very easily.

There are even some Opportunities from Missions that have appeared, so you can finish them immediately. Because from here it will continue to provide certain challenges, so that players will have some good prizes that you shouldn’t miss at all now.

How to Get Border Avatar International Labor Day

  1. Enter Mobile Legends Game First
    You must first enter the Mobile Legends game, so that you can immediately prepare for us to complete the mission. Because with the Avatar International Labor Day Border, it will be a very good gift. Present until May 2022, so now we should be able to have it.
  2. Select the Event Tab and Prize Redemption 515
    Then you can immediately select the Event Tab and redeem the 515 prizes that are still available. As a place and part that you must have, it’s sure to soon have a cool gift option. You can also find Skin Paint 515 M-World, although it’s not a permanent item.
  3. Exchange 75 Premium Skin Fragments to Get Border Avatar International Labor Day
    Players can just exchange 75 Premium Skin Fragments, so they can get the Border Avatar International Labor Day item. This has become a condition for exchange that we can immediately get, so that later you won’t be able to miss it at all.
  4. Collect the Premium Skin Fragments
    You have to be able to collect the Premium Skin Fragments that you really need, so that you can exchange them immediately. It’s just that premium Skin Fragments rarely appear, even though we can have them through after the battle.
  5. Border Avatar Login Account Profile Features
    After you have done this now, the Border Avatar can go directly into the Profile Features of each Account. So that players who have got it, can immediately use it to make Avatar look cool again.

Of course, with the presence of rare items like this, it is a good opportunity for you to have them soon. My own Esports will probably take it, but prioritize the new skin first from the Fragment that we will use later. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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