How to Get Free Skins from the Thanksgiving Event Mobile Legends (ML)
On this occasion, Esportsku will provide information for one of the newest Thanksgiving Gift events which will provide free permanent skins on Mobile Legends..
Moonton is very active in presenting free skins in the Mobile Legends game, especially this November, there is a Thanksgiving Gift event that will give you a permanent skin for free in Mobile Legends. On this occasion, Esportsku will provide information for one of the newest Thanksgiving Gift events which will provide free permanent skins on Mobile Legends.
The Thanksgiving Event is one of the events that allows you to get various attractive prizes in it, if you participate in this event you can get permanent skins and various other prizes which we will convey below. Therefore, for those of you who are Mobile Legends gamers, watch and record the following time.
Release Date for Thanksgiving Gift Event in Mobile Legends
First, for the release date of the Thanksgiving Gift event in Mobile Legends, it will start on November 26 – December 10. Which if you participate on that date you can get a permanent skin in the following ways.
Mobile Legends Thanksgiving Gift Event Prizes
As for the prizes themselves, it varies greatly, you can get prizes like the following if you take part in the Thanksgiving Gift event in the Mobile Legends game
- Hero Fragment
- Ticket
- Win BP Card
- Battle Emote
- Skin Trial
- Permanent Skin.
Of course, the various prizes given can make it easier for you to play games. And of course not only this event was present simultaneously on that date. You can also participate in the Blazing West event at the same time later.
How to Get Permanent Skin at Thanksgiving Gift Mobile Legends
To get a permanent skin at this one event is very easy. You only need to collect an item called Turkeys, which you can later exchange for free skin prizes. Now that’s not all, to get these Turkeys is very easy, you only need to share Thanksgiving Gift events, play ranked or classic games, and many other tasks.
All you need is to follow the progress of the Thanksgiving Gift event up to 100% and collect Turkeys then exchange them for permanent free skins on Mobile Legend. Unfortunately there are no leaks as to what skins you can get. But what is certain is that the skin is permanent in Mobile Legends.
That’s it for a review of the latest Thanksgiving Gift event which will be present in November 2020 on Mobile Legend. Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!
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