How to get Johnson’s special skin for free Lucky Shop Event Mobile Legends (ML)

Here is how to get a special Johnson skin for free, we will give it to you. Of course it's quite easy considering you need to use the Lucky Gem in each account to redeem.


For those who want to get Johnson’s skin, we will provide it here. Of course, the way to get a special Johnson skin for free for the Lucky Shop event is quite effective, especially if you have a lot of Lucky Gems on your account. This skin is also really cool and of course not only the Johnson skin is available. Here is how to get a special Johnson skin for free, we will give it to you. Of course it’s quite easy considering you need to use the Lucky Gem in each account to redeem.

You can get this skin using a Lucky Gem which you can easily get if you diligently roll in a spin. Of course, not only Johnson, because there is also a Sun skin and Odette hero. So for those of you who can exchange Lucky Spin prizes, try getting what you need.

With veteran players who may not need a Lucky Gem anymore because they can already get this skin a lot. Besides being cool, Johnson’s skin is quite rare, so not many people use it. For those of you who want to be different, you can try using your gem for this.

How to get Johnson’s special skin for free Lucky Shop Event

Swapping your Gem for Johnson’s skin is of course very valuable. Older players usually had a lot of these Gems because the only one they were aiming for at that time was Odette. But for those who still have a lot of Gems, they can be exchanged for the Johnson skin.

The method is also easy because the way to swap the skin is quite the same as changing to Odette. You only need to open a shop and open Lucky Spin. Here you can redeem to the redee section on this page.

The price is also quite cheap as Gem Johnson only costs 40! Indeed, compared to the Odette 20 it is rather expensive, but remember that this skin has a cool effect. Not only Johnson, because there is a Sun skin that you can get here. Of course, you just need redeem.

That’s how to get Johnson’s special skin for free. It’s quite easy to remember that you only need to redeem using a Lucky Gem. There must be many who have saved money, especially those who didn’t buy Odette. Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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