How to Increase Free Fire (FF) Squad Cooperation

It's even more mandatory if you rarely play with squads other than this one. Keeping together can also be a suitable thing to get closer to each other.


Cooperation is very important in team play. Especially if you know how to improve the cooperation of the Free Fire (FF) squad. Increasing mandatory cooperation if you want to be relaxed or serious.

It’s even more mandatory if you rarely play with squads other than this one. Keeping together can also be a suitable thing to get closer to each other. One of the best forms of bonding.

So for those of you who want to be more solid in playing on Free Fire, you can’t skip the methods below later. Besides, playing solo is also less fun and you get bored easily.


How to Increase Free Fire (FF) Squad Cooperation

You can try some of the methods below right away. Improve your skills when playing Free Fire by playing properly. Especially in a squad that is very compact and suitable.

  1. Often Mabar
  2. Discuss Post-Match
  3. Hang out often
  4. Define Role

Let’s talk about these tips. Guaranteed to be effective in increasing your cooperation in Free Fire (FF)


Often Play

Frequent sharing is the main key for those of you who want to increase cooperation. By continuing to play, you will understand each other yourself. Don’t push too much, because you also need rest.

Better to set a schedule for mabar. Don’t forget to communicate when you are happy so that cooperation and information can be entered easily. Take advantage of this when playing later.


Discuss Post-Match

Post matches or after the game is over, both losing or winning also need to be discussed. You can discuss this with your friends or your squad. Find what can be discussed to increase your cooperation.

Starting from your strategy, mistakes, strengths or strengths can be things that can be discussed. This is almost mandatory, so don’t finish the match, just play again. There must be negotiations after the game.


Hang out often

You can also often play outside games, for example hanging out. This way you can chat with each other and discuss other things. It’s easier to get closer like this than just playing casually.


Define Role

Role can also be your determinant when playing squad with your friends. For example, in one squad, you have divided each other’s tasks so that later you don’t get confused when playing.


Those are some ways to improve the cooperation of the Free Fire (FF) squad that you might be able to learn. Continue to hone your skills and also work together between teams for better games later.


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