How to Overcome Cannot Invite Friends in Mobile Legends (ML)

Esportsku this time will provide a method for Overcoming Unable to Invite Friends in Mobile Legends (ML). Well for those of you who are Mobile Legends gamers. Here are some methods you can use.


This is how to overcome Cannot Invite Friends in Mobile Legends (ML) with. This one problem really happens for those of you who want to add friends to play. When add id or name, you can’t add it. Esportsku this time will provide a method for Overcoming Unable to Invite Friends in Mobile Legends (ML). Well for those of you who are Mobile Legends gamers. Here are some methods you can use.

Playing with friends is indeed very exciting, especially for those of you who prefer to play to have fun, then playing with friends is the best way to relieve stress from tired work or study.

However, often when adding a friend you may be disturbed because you really can’t play with that friend, that’s why, by using this method you can add friends again.

How to Overcome Cannot Invite Friends in Mobile Legends

The reason why you can’t invite friends in Mobile Legends is because you already have a lot of friends. The Mobile Legends game itself has a limit on the friend slots you have. If it’s full then you can’t add more.

Then how to overcome Cannot Invite Friends in Mobile Legends (ML)?

To overcome this, it is very easy, you only need to delete a few friends first, be it friends on your friend list or friends on your friend’s account.

How to Overcome Cannot Invite Friends in Mobile Legends (ML)

Well, how to remove it yourself is very easy. Do a few easy steps below.

  • First go and enter the Mobile Legends game. Make sure to use a smooth network.
  • Next, go to the Social menu, click Followers, delete some of your followers or friends, here you can delete friends who have been inactive for a long time.
  • After successfully deleting a friend, do the same for the account of the friend you want to add.
  • If both have empty friend slots, next you can add friends in Mobile Legends.

By deleting friends first, you have successfully added your friends smoothly. Surely you are now able to overcome the problem of not being able to add or invite friends in Mobile Legends.

For those who have done this method, the next step is to add your new friends in Mobile Legends. The method is as follows.

  • First, please enter the Find Friends menu in the lobby on the right, there is an add friend icon.
  • Click the icon, then please enter your friend’s id or your friend’s name.
  • After successfully adding friends, the next step is to add your friends.
  • If the first method is correct, then this time you have successfully added friends in Mobile Legends.

So that’s all for how to overcome not being able to invite friends in Mobile Legends. Hopefully this way you have managed to easily overcome your problem. Hopefully useful and see you soon! Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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