How to Play Effectively in Solo Ranked Season 19 in Mobile Legends (ML)
Therefore, with some tips for solo ranked season 19 of Mobile Legends, which we will convey below will help you in playing ranked to make it even better.
Mobile Legends is a MOBA game that has currently reached season 19, now for those of you who play alone, here are tips for solo ranked season 19 of Mobile Legends that you can try to win the match. Therefore, with some tips for solo ranked season 19 of Mobile Legends, which we will convey below will help you in playing ranked to make it even better.
Getting a Mabar partner might be a major problem for some Mobile Legends players. Many of you may find it quite difficult to invite colleagues to play or even when playing with friends, your playing gameplay is not very satisfying.
Use Meta Hero
First, tips for solo ranked season 19 of Mobile Legends so that you can win matches is to use meta heroes. Every Mobile Legend game update will certainly provide several heroes who get buffs in each season.
Well, don’t be lazy to read the various updates that are present and see what heroes get buffs on the update so that you will get some OP enough heroes for you to use in matches.
Learn All Roles
Second, learning all the roles that exist is one of the tips for solo ranked season 19 in Mobile Legends. You can learn from the role of a tank, support, core and also as an offlaner.
Know the duties of each role and know some of the weak points in that role. Then use the hero with the right role so that the game will be easier for you to master. This one tip is very important for those of you who are a sole player.
Prioritize Teamwork
Next, tips for solo ranked season 19 in Mobile Legends are to prioritize your teamwork when playing. This is very important because MOBA games rely heavily on good cooperation.
With very good cooperation will make the game run very smoothly. Especially as a solo ranked, make sure you understand the strategies that are usually used when playing solo.
Don’t Play Selfish
Fourth, tips for solo ranked season 19 in Mobile Legends are to play it safe and don’t be selfish. Selfishness can have a bad impact on you when in the game. This is going to screw up the match and it will be difficult indeed.
Some selfish traits that often present such as being angry, saying toxic, wanting to win alone and not wanting to give in when the hero selection takes place. It’s better to avoid some of these things so that you can win the match easily.
Play As Core
Finally, you can play as a core if you really can’t rely on random players. We recommend that you hone your core skills in the Mobile Legends game.
As a core, you can carry or carry the game very easily. And of course if you are good at playing the core then your victory will also be closer.
Those are some tips for solo ranked season 19 in Mobile Legends that you can use. Hopefully, these tips can be useful for those of you who are Mobile Legends gamers. Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!
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