How to Practice Reflex as You Play Free Fire (FF)

And now we have some tips on how to practice your reflex as you play Free Fire that you need to know. The key to increasing your reflex in any game is to gain muscle memory and constant practicing.


And now we have some tips on how to practice your reflex as you play Free Fire that you need to know. The key to increasing your reflex in any game is to gain muscle memory and constant practicing. So remember to stay consistent and persistent as you play Free Fire later on.

How to Practice Reflex as You Play Free Fire (FF)

Relax and don’t panic

If you want to get better in the game and increase your skill, try to relax before you go further. Especially if you want to have better reflex. If you are panicking to every situation in the game, then you will tend to make the wrong decision. With a relaxed mind, you will also automatically have better reflex as a result. This is one of the most important starting point, before you practice further on your reflex in Free Fire.

Practice routinely

Practicing is the key to any skill mastering, including reflex training. Try to practice some skills in the game, especially shooting which is the most essential thing in the game. By keep on trying to practice, you will be able to increase your aiming skills. Therefore, you will also have better reflex as you find an enemy in the game later on.

Watch pro players play

By copying and learning how pro players actually play, it can also help you get better in the game. Try some of the tricks that pro players are doing in Free Fire. You can learn so much by watching them play from a video or streaming. The way they respond to any situation is also important for you to learn. You need to pay attention to the fact that pro players are always calm when they’re playing. They never panic or screaming randomly as they play. Pro players know every technique and which one to use in any different situation.

Get used to it

Once you practice the tips above, get used to do everything in the game. You can try flicking to surprise the enemy from close range. Or you can also try aiming for a headshot more often, and even using a gloo wall at the right time. These habits will increase your muscle memory as you play Free Fire. It is also useful for your reflex practice in Free Fire later on.

And that’s some tips on how to practice reflex in Free Fire. Be sure to follow esportsku on instagram for more tips to come!