Mistakes Often Made by Tank Users in Mobile Legends (ML)

On this occasion, Esportsku will give some fatal mistakes for tank users in Mobile Legends.


One of the roles in the spotlight is Tank, now here are some of the fatal mistakes of Tank users in Mobile Legends. Mobile Legends is one of the best MOBA games that presents various mobile legends roles in it. On this occasion, Esportsku will give some fatal mistakes for tank users in Mobile Legends.

Tanks are indeed the core in the game, without a tank, you will be very difficult to play in Mobile Legends.

This is the fatal mistake of the mobile legends (ML) tank user :

Never Open Map

The fatal mistake of the tank user in the first Mobile Legends was never opening a map. This open map is done so that your hero core is safe and not exposed to ganking in Mobile Legends. For those of you tank users, you should play by always opening the map in Mobile Legends.

How to open the map itself is very easy, you only need to go to the opponent’s area and check each map in Mobile Legends, usually this aims to check the position of each enemy in Mobile Legends. So that if there is a ganking it can be easily overcome.

Not Playing Aggressively

The next mistake of the Tank user is not playing aggressively. When playing Mobile Legends, aggressiveness is very important for you to do. This will increase the spirit of teamwork when playing.

Hero tanks are the only pioneers to play aggressively, make sure you advance first before your core hero advances, and always block every movement and hero of your opponent. Don’t forget to be as aggressive as possible.

Doing Clear Lane

Clear lane is indeed very important to do in Mobile Legends, but do you know if this is a taboo for tanks to do? Which the tank’s own job shouldn’t do this.

Cleaning minions can increase a hero’s gold and exp, but this problem should be given to offlaner or core heroes only. Now for tank heroes, it’s better to focus on covering hero cores for farming, clear lane and others.

Never Check Ambush

The fatal mistake of the Tank user in the next Mobile Legends is never to check ambush, this is a risky error when playing. Ambush is one of the favorite places to do ganking.

As much as possible for those of you who are tank users, check every ambush that is near the hero core. Of course it can keep your core hero depending on the enemy.

Steal Kill Point from Core

The next mistake is often stealing point kills from opponents. Hero tank itself is not recommended to get a kill. Killing in a match alone can increase gold significantly enough for the hero who gets it.

Therefore, point kills are very important for core heroes to get more gold faster. We recommend that for those of you who are tank users, it would be better to help and only get assists.

Those are some of the fatal mistakes of Tank users in Mobile Legends that you must know. Hopefully those of you who are tank users avoid some of these mistakes. Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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