Mobile Legends Will Close in 2021? (ML)
However, is it true that Mobile Legends will close in 2021? here we will discuss it. Previously, Mobile Legends was rumored to be closed regarding financial problems, will the same thing happen again?
Mobile Legends is one of the biggest MOBA games in Asia, with a very large number of players. This game also has many tournaments from national to international. However, is it true that Mobile Legends will close in 2021? here we will discuss it. Previously, Mobile Legends was rumored to be closed regarding financial problems, will the same thing happen again?
Mobile Legends is one of the most popular MOBA games. This game has many players and is very famous. However, this game was previously accused of plagiarism from other games.
One of them is the quote previously used by one of Irithel’s skins which made Mobile Legends have to replace the quotes that the skin has. There have been many Mobile Legends avoiding plagiarism, but still many heroes have been imitated.
Mobile Legends Will Close in 2021?
Previously, Mobile Legends was reported to be closed, because of the plagiarism problem that was being sued by RIOT. This makes Mobile Legends or Moonton have to hire a lawyer at a very high price.
At that time, Moonton decided to make a collector’s skin which had a very high price. Of course, Moonton managed to well avoid the lawsuit that was presented by Riot.
Previously Moonton had also plagiarized about one of the quotes from another game, namely Assassin’s Creed. The quote that the Skin Starlight Irithel has, is very similar to the quote that the game Assassin’s Creed has.
Someone reported this to Ubisoft and made mobile legends replace the quotes again to avoid plagiarism. Even if it’s just a quote, they are very similar.
Mobile Legends is closed
A lot of news about this one game will be closed because of the many financial problems it has suffered. However, this is not true because of the large amount of income you get from this one game.
Not forgetting that many players buy skins that cost more than 1 million rupiah more, this game is arguably very in demand. As long as this game is no longer a problem regarding plagiarism and makes a more original hero or skin.
Previous Mobile Legends
Previously, Mobile Legends received many lawsuits regarding plagiarism. As you know, Mobile Legends has many “inspired” heroes you can see.
However, because the similarity is too high, this game has been accused of plagiarism. I don’t know how many times this game has been hit by plagiarism and has to replace the heroes it has over and over again.
Mobile Legends, which is one of the games from China, was also banned in China for political reasons. Therefore, this game cannot be played in China. You have to use a VPN to be able to play this game.
That’s the info about Mobile Legends that will close in 2021, which is actually just a rumor. It’s still uncertain about this game however. Because, with the popularity and the number of players playing this game, it will be difficult for this game to close. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!
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