New Mode in Free Fire (FF) with Money Heist Theme
There is a new mode in Free Fire that you can play, with a new type of gameplay which makes the game will be more interesting than ever. So stay tuned for the recent update so that you can try this new mode as it comes out.
There is a new mode in Free Fire that you can play, with a new type of gameplay which makes the game will be more interesting than ever. So stay tuned for the recent update so that you can try this new mode as it comes out. Now there’s a new mode in Free Fire with money heist theme that you need to check out as soon as possible!
There are many other updates in Free Fire as time goes by. And it can be useful for players to stay updated to recent updates in the game. So players can try new things every time.
New Mode in Free Fire (FF) with Money Heist Theme
This new mode will give players something new that players can try with their friends. There will be a completely new playing sensation that players will have as they try this new mode in Free Fire.
Soon, there will be a new mode called Money Heist mode. Yes, this mode is one of the form of partnership between Free Fire and the Netflix serial Money Heist. And this game mode is one of the special mode coming straight from Money Heist adaptation.
In this mode, you will fight against your enemy in a 4 vs 4 combat style, and there’s an objective that you need to complete. Every team will have the objective to gather as much money as your team can gather in order to win the match.
In this mode, there will be money printer in several places that you and your team need to find. This money printer is the key to winning the game. You can get your money by capturing the money printer and defend it against your enemy. Once you capture a money printer, the money printer will print money for your team.
The money printed from the money printer will be counted to determine the winner in the match. The more money you have, the more chance of you winning the game. You can win the game if you simply have more money than your opponent’s team.
This mode is released on September 6th 2020. So don’t miss the chance to try this new mode with your friends!
And that’s some information that we can give on the new game mode in Free Fire with Money Heist theme. Don’t forget to follow esportsku on instagram for more tips and information to come!