The importance of the power spike in Mobile Legends. As a Mobile Legends player, surely you know some of the tasks of a role and how they are effective at certain times of the match. Like the marksman who can start deadly in the late game, mage who has high damage in the early and mid games, and assassins that vary depending on the hero and build. This is known as a power spike.
The power spike, which is the peak of the heroes’ strength at a certain time, is certainly important for you to understand. The reason is that depending on the heroes and their roles, the power spikes will vary widely. There are even some heroes who don’t need to follow their power spike role but they have different power spikes.
If you look at Claude’s hero, of course he is a marksman. But there is something strange about the power spike. As a marksman, he should have achieved the highest power spike in the late game, but compared to other top marksman tiers, his DPS might look falling. This is because Claude is a strong marksman in the mid game.
By understanding power spikes, you can form a better strategy or technique. Starting from farm priority to draft pick, you can have more control over the flow of the match. Especially if you can focus on picking heroes, you will see the strategy that will be used.
Here we will give a little explanation about the importance of the power spike in Mobile Legends. Certainly it will be very useful especially when playing at high ranks. By understanding this, you can even read and review the draft pick process for the counter later.
Power Spike For Counter Pick
Power spikes can be an effect when you plan to do a counter pick. In the draft pick session, you can see what kind of advantage the enemy will have. For example, if you see your opponent choosing many heroes who have power spikes in the early and mid-game, then you can try dragging the game to the late game.
Conversely, it can also be so where the enemy uses a hero who has a power spike in the late game, then you can try using a deadly hero in the early and mid game to close the game faster. But remember there are many other factors.
Form Your Strategy
Apart from the counter pick, you can also form a strategy from here. By choosing a balanced hero, you can play better. For example, using a hero who has various power spikes, then you can be consistent.
Basically, a draft pick that has a normal role composition is good. marksman and fighter for late game and the rest in early and mid game so your team can be more complete.
Control Your Game
With a balanced power spike, you will be able to more easily control the game. The reason is that if you focus too much on just one point, the power spikes can be unbalanced and you will be easier to counter later.
That’s why it’s important to understand the power spike in Mobile Legends. Your game can be more consistent when you can take advantage of this later.
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