Strengths and Weaknesses of Karina Mobile Legends (ML)

On this occasion, Esportsku will provide an updated review of the strengths and weaknesses of Karina's hero in the Mobile Legends game.


Mobile Legends is a game that features various heroes in it. One of the heroes that you can play is Karina. The strengths and weaknesses of Karina’s hero are certainly mandatory for you to know when you want to play this one hero. On this occasion, Esportsku will provide an updated review of the strengths and weaknesses of Karina’s hero in the Mobile Legends game.

Karina mobile legends is one of the heroes who has a special ability to kill quickly. This one hero is very capable of gripping the opponent quickly and giving a surprising final attack, not only that, he also has a good immune ability to use when attacked by an opposing hero.

The strengths of Karina in Mobile Legends

First, we will discuss some of the advantages of Karina’s hero in Mobile Legends which are certainly very important for you to know.

Has High Burst Damage

Karina is one of the Mobile Legends heroes who has high burst damage. Of course, this one attack will be perfect for those of you who want to play Karina as your core hero in Mobile Legends. Karina herself is quite easy to play and often fills the role of jungler nowadays.

Is A Great Killing Machine

Karina is one of the most powerful killing machine heroes. This can be obtained from Karina’s ultimate ability which can easily attack continuously. This ability is of course very beneficial for you as a Carry user where you can get as many kills as you can in Mobile Legends.

Best Hero Counter Marksman and Mage

If the opposing hero being played has many marksman or mage heroes, of course, it is very beneficial to use Karina as a hero counter for some of these heroes. Karina’s burst damage attacks are perfect for attacking several rows of these heroes and certainly adding to your victory cache in Mobile Legends.

Has High Mobility

Karina is one of the heroes who has very high mobility, you can find this in the first skill she has as a meta hero for mobile legends. Which of these skills can be used by you to chase your opponent and avoid your opponent. Karina herself is arguably a very fast hero in Mobile Legends.

Fast Cooldown Skill

The strength of the last Karina hero is her cooldown skill which can be picked up very quickly. You can continue to use Karina’s 1st skill without pause. Not only that, Karina’s passive ability to get a skill reset when getting a kill or assist makes her the hero with the fastest cooldown skill at this time.

Weaknesses of Karina in Mobile Legends

Not only advantages. We will also explain some of the weaknesses that Karina has in Mobile Legends as follows.

Proper Use of Immune

You can get Karina’s immunity in her first skill, which must be used correctly. You have to know the time when the enemy attacks and when you have to activate the skill, otherwise your skill will not remain a target.

Very Dependent on the Team

Karina’s next weakness is that she is very dependent on the team. Which one hero is very unreliable when fighting alone. Karina herself is very difficult to do push, turret defense and others. That’s why the team’s role is very meaningful to Karina in Mobile Legends. As Karina users, of course you only focus on teamfight right?

Weak Against Opponent Crowd Control

The next weakness is that she is weak against crowd control owned by her opponent, which is very difficult for Karina to avoid her opponent’s Crowd Control. You have to be really precise when using immune skills if you want to escape from these attacks. Of course this is quite difficult for you to do.

Single Target Attacks

Karina’s next weakness is the use of attack skills which are single targets. Which you might find it difficult to use Karina when the teamfight takes place. But you can outsmart by targeting your opponent’s core hero first. Because it has good burst damage. Of course you can easily finish him off first.

Little Durability

Karina is an assassin hero with very little durability in Mobile Legends. Of course this makes it very difficult for Karina users because this one hero is quite easy to beat especially if the opponent has a hero lock like Saber or Chou. Even so, this Durability can be slightly covered by Karina’s immune abilities in Mobile Legends.

That’s just a list of some of the strengths and weaknesses of Karina’s hero in Mobile Legends (ML)). Hopefully with the presence of the above reviews it can be useful especially for those of you who are Karina users in Mobile Legends and use the pro build Karina ML. Don’t forget to keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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