The 2 Best Combo Skills of Yve Mobile Legends (ML)
The 2 Best Combo Skills of Yve Mobile Legends (ML), my Esportsku this time will provide an explanation of the best combo of Yve Mobile Legends. You can use some of the following combination attacks in order to maximize the ability of Yve's attack skills. Well, see more.
Mobile Legends has just released Yve’s hero in Mobile Legends, this latest hero has many advantages, one of which is having a deadly attack combo, for you Yve users, here are the best Yve Mobile Legends (ML) Combo Skills that you can use. The 2 Best Combo Skills of Yve Mobile Legends (ML), my Esportsku this time will provide an explanation of the best combo of Yve Mobile Legends. You can use some of the following combination attacks in order to maximize the ability of Yve’s attack skills. Well, see more.
Yve is one of the heroes that you can use as the best support hero at this time, the ability of this one hero combo is very deadly, Yve can also be a mainstay as a mage damage dealer in Mobile Legends.
Of course playing Yve’s mobile legends hero is not as easy as other mage heroes, here accuracy, skill ability, finger speed play an important role when you start playing Yve’s hero. That’s why Esportsku will provide the best combo for Yve in Mobile Legends.
Using Yve’s hero depends on the condition of the hero, where when you attack your opponent, your attack combination is quite different, and each attack will be different from other attacks.
Here are the best Yve Mobile Legends (ML) Combo Skills that can be used:
Yve Skill Combo During Teamfight
The first is the Yve Mobile Legends Best Combo Skill attack when you use it during teamfights. This hero attack is very strong with enormous magic damage. In addition Yve also have passive skills that can increase the stack up to 10 times.
When the teamfight takes place you can use a combination attack from Yve’s first skill that can provide area magic damage. This attack is perfect for attacking opponents when gathered.
Then use Yve’s second skill that attacks the opponent who is about to run away. You can direct the attack towards the running opponent. You can also combine this skill with Yve’s ultimate.
The ultimate attack when the opponent is about to move away or gather, you can use the ultimate called Real World Manipulation.
This Yve Mobile Legends Best Skill Combo provides a chessboard that you can point at your opponent and then will give a large magic damage attack.
Yve’s Combo Skill When Solo Lane / ML Defense
In this Yve Mobile Legends Best Skill Combo, you can defend against your opponent when guarding the lane, for example when in the mid lane or suddenly backing up offlaner. To protect the turret from your opponent’s attack, you can use attacks like the following.
Yve Mobile Legends Best Combo Skill attacks focus on minions first then attack the opponent using additional attacks.
To clear minions quickly, you can use a second skill by giving a crystal and then directing a second attack at the minion.
Meanwhile, if an opponent’s hero approaches, you can use the first skill attack so that the opponent gets damage from Yve so that the opponent will retreat.
In addition, if your opponent reports you can still use the ultimate Real World Manipulation to provide a final attack or additional attack.
Yve’s Skill Advantages in Mobile Legends
Here are some of Yve’s skills that you must know before playing them in Mobile Legends. So, see the full review below.
Can Spam Skill
Yve’s advantage in the first Mobile Legends can spam skills quickly. Yve has a skill ability with a short cooldown so that this hero can easily give attacks or spamming skills.
In teamfight Yve himself relies heavily on his skills, to attack brutally and become a good damage dealer in the team. Moreover, he has a passive skill that can be active up to 10 times so the damage he has is getting bigger.
Has a Skill Immune to Crowd Control
Yve’s ultimate is called Real World Manipulation. This skill allows Yve to attack with a very wide area by giving attacks like a chessboard.
But interestingly, when Yve uses the ultimate skill he will endure all crowd control effects. Even though you are attacked, the ultimate is still running. One way to beat it is to use suppressed crowd control.
Has Extensive Attack
Yve’s attack can be expanded by moving your hand when you cast a skill. Of course, this attack will make Yve have a wider attack range than other heroes.
You can get this from Yve’s second skill which gives an attack in the form of crystals and you can direct it to the targeted area. In addition, Yve’s ultimate also provides a very wide attack area with a long attack.
Have a good combo with many heroes
Yve is very suitable for combo use with several other tank heroes. Call it a combo using Johnson or Tigreal heroes. Yve’s attack can be maximized full attack if the opponent’s hero is gathered.
With Tigreal, all enemy heroes can be collected quite easily, Yve then gives an area attack to the gathered opponent so that the attack can be launched very well on the opponent.
Mage With Great Damage!
The last Yve Mobile Legends best skill is having enormous damage. This can be obtained from the passive ability of Yve’s hero which can increase damage by increasing the stack.
Yve has 10 stacks that can be continuously increased and you can use to increase the damage it has. Of course, the bigger the stack, the more damage output will be issued.
So that’s it for a review of the best Yve Mobile Legends combo. Hopefully the presence of this review can provide a complete explanation for those of you who have just bought Yve in Mobile Legends. Hopefully useful and see you soon! Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!
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