The strongest and most popular hero Antimeta in Mobile Legends (ML)
Here we will discuss the strongest Mobile Legends antimeta heroes in the game. Surely they can be your first choice later. For those of you who are sick of fighting meta heroes, just use them.
Currently, there may only be a few heroes who are very strong and they are called meta heroes. But there are also their opponents, this strongest Mobile Legends antimeta hero can help you fight meta heroes. Here we will discuss the strongest Mobile Legends antimeta heroes in the game. Surely they can be your first choice later. For those of you who are sick of fighting meta heroes, just use them.
Very effective for you to use, of course they can be very annoying opponents. Currently meta heroes are indeed most effective heroes, as the name implies.
But this anti meta hero is arguably their hero counter. Outside of fighting meta heroes, maybe their strength can be questioned. But fighting meta heroes is another story.
This antimeta hero can be your choice when playing rank. If there is a meta hero who passes the ban and is picked by an opponent, maybe you can use it to counter them. There is no limit either as they fit in a variety of drafts.
The heroes here can also be a threat to your opponents who often depend on meta heroes. If you want to use a strong but effective hero, you can try using it.
Interestingly, antimeta heroes are rarely banned and this makes you almost free to use them. Unless the patch changes and these heroes continue to be victims of bans or picks.
Phoveus is currently the best antimeta hero. Yes, even though roughly he just came out, this still puts him on the list of anti-map heroes. With his skillset, Phoveus is terrifying.
Pay attention to all meta heroes now, most of them have mobility skills. Phoveus can counter them all. Almost all marksman, Wanwan, Benedetta, Paquito, and others can be easily defeated.
Kaja can also be the antimeta of choice for many people thanks to his skill that has a hard counter to anyone. He can trouble your opponent by dragging them to follow His with ease.
The most useful are its dash and ulti. For This hero , there is no hero he can’t counter. But be careful too because his easily killed if he is locked by an opponent.
Grock can also be the antimeta at this time. Even though tankers are less popular now, Grock’s strength is still very strong. He has good sustain and mobility as well as strong combo potential.
What makes Grock strong is how he can have a strong lock and can even be played in sidelane. Grock can be a threat to any opponent in the game.
Aldous is currently still very strong. Even in MPL PH alone, he was used as a jungler several times. Aldous is used as a semi tank which looks very effective.
Aldous’ late game damage was terrible. He can do one shot even with ordinary build items. This is what makes it popular in various matches, even pro matches.
Hilda is a hero who can be said to be flexible. He can fill a jungle, sidelane, or even a tank. As a sidelaner or tank is where Hilda shines thanks to her high sustain and damage.
Especially with his stack that can continue to increase. If you have a max stack, he can become a tanker hero who has damage like an assassin. Hilda can be a strong sustain burst hero.
Lolita is a tank that is currently not as popular as the others. But Lolita’s potential in a compact team is very high. Lolita is very annoying and can be the front line for his team.
But using Lolita outside the party would be difficult for sure. In a compact team Lolita will shine and can be a very strong antimeta tanker. Therefore, he may not be popular and effective.
Gloo as a new hero also doesn’t get a big role in the pro scene. But several times used, we can see a high potential Gloo. Tanker with this terrible capability can disturb opponents.
Fighting high damage heroes can be an advantage for Gloo. Especially in big teamfights where you can use the Gloo more effectively. Prioritize disrupting your opponent’s formation with a Gloo.
There are actually many antimeta heroes in Mobile Legends that you can use. With their very strong effectiveness they can be a powerpick too. Depends but with each strat.
Not being popular doesn’t mean it’s ineffective. Even the hero who often escapes the pick ban is dangerous. Often giving surprises when playing, they can be a mainstay for teams who have a special strategy.
Those are some of the antimeta heroes in Mobile Legends that you can use right now. Actually there are many that are very strong and you can use them. But they are the ones that stand out the most. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!
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