Mobile Legends (ML) Players Have Thousands of Matches With a 100% Win Rate, How Is That Possible?

But there is something strange about Mobile Legends (ML) Players Have Thousands of Matches With a 100% Win Rate, How come? you will be confused too. Actually having a Thousand Matches match without losing at all, including something that is classified as suspicious.


Mobile Legends releases many features that are quite helpful for players even in matches or account information. There’s even a Mobile Legends (ML) Player Has Thousands of Matches with a 100% Win Rate, How come? Of course it makes a lot of people wonder because of this. But there is something strange about Mobile Legends (ML) Players Have Thousands of Matches With a 100% Win Rate, How come? you will be confused too. Actually having a Thousand Matches match without losing at all, including something that is classified as suspicious.

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Mobile Legends (ML) Players Have Thousands of Matches With a 100% Win Rate, How Is That Possible?

So there is a Mobile Legends Player who has a total Match of up to Thousands Have a 100% Winter Rate on each of these heroes. It became something quite suspicious, because it was impossible to do Thousands of Matches but not lose.

The name of the Mobile Legends Player who has Thousands of Matches with a 100% Win Rate is [b][00ffff] ROYY. If in his Mobile Legends ID, you can enter the following number to look for it in the 12335 game and it turns out that it’s just an ID from the server.

Indeed, having Thousands of Matches on certain Heroes with a Win Rate of 100%, this proves that he has never lost at all. Sounds so surprising, actually something like this can happen to get so many matches like that.

Mobile Legends (ML) Players Have Thousands of Matches With a 100% Win Rate, How Is That Possible?

Even if you look at the statistics of these players, all of them have nominal numbers that are so surprising. Almost everything we see is 9999999 and that’s in every piece of information, that’s really suspicious for Mobile Legends games now.

For now the rank of this account is Mythic, it does sound so natural that Mythic Glory players get thousands of matches. But if the issue of Win Rate 100% can’t be confirmed whether it’s true or not, Esportsku also has some predictions about this.

Does This Player Use Cheats Or GB Services?

Now what’s in the Mobile Legends game itself is quite interesting, because for GB Services, thousands of matches do exist. But with a note that GB services like that are only for Classic Mode, we will meet the same enemy all the time.

There are already a lot of GB services like this, in fact it’s like to make sure we have experience playing. We can see from Players who have this Win Rate, most of them play Classic and finish Match when they have leveled up to 4 heroes.

After knowing that Mobile Legends (ML) Players Have Thousands of Matches With a 100% Win Rate, how come? then now you will know more about other interesting things. Because there are rarely players who intend to match thousands of times, so that they can achieve the 100% Win Rate.

Maybe you should also try to know How to Check Mobile Legends Battle ID right now, so you can get more information about it. So that you may be able to report the match whether the player uses a Cheat or a GB Service in the game. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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