PUBG Mobile Meta Healing Rise Again, Check Tips!

Meta Healing is one way that players can easily imitate. What are the tips for Meta Healing for PUBG Mobile? Listen to the explanation!


PUBG Mobile always has an interesting strategy to win the game. Not only do you have to be a player who is skilled at shooting and determining positions, but there are several other ways to get WWCD.

One of the meta or gameplay that is being used by many players is Meta Healing.


PUBG Mobile Meta Healing Rise Again, Check Tips!

PUBG Mobile Meta Healing

1. PUBG Mobile Meta Healing Must Be In Compound

One tip so that you can heal safely is by taking a place or compound that is far from the enemy’s reach. Healing takes a lot of time, and even when healing you don’t have any weapons.

It will be scary when you are healing and then you hear the sound of the step players around, so make sure you heal in a safe place from enemy battles.


2. Safe Drop Zone

While on the plane, make sure you have marked the drop or early looting area in a location far from the plane line. The area adjacent to the plane line allows you to meet other players quickly.

Make sure you are away from other players so that when looting can be safer and avoided from early fights.


3. Healing Quickly

When entering the fifth blue zone and so on, the percentage of your blood loss per second will be greater, and will be even greater when you are in the end zone.

Therefore, to buy time for your killing by Playzone, you must be able to heal quickly. The healing time as much as possible is faster than draining your blood.


4. Expand First Aid

First Aid Kit is one of the most efficient consumeables on PUBG Mobile. The First Aid Kit doesn’t take much time, and can add about 70% of your HP. Therefore, many players prioritize carrying a lot of First Aid Kits when doing in-game meta healing.

Apart from the First Aid Kit, Bandages is also one of the consumeables that are commonly used to increase the initial HP at the end of the zone, its fast usage can help you save time when healing at the end of the zone, such as zone 6 and above.


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