The story of Alucard x Miya Mobile Legends (ML)
Esportsku has been trying to find and connect itself from their lore-lore. Of course, it will be even more interesting if you know the story of Alucard x Miya Mobile Legends (ML)
So for now you may be curious, what is the story of Alucard x Miya Mobile Legends (ML). Because what we know is that they are a harmonious pair, when they are in the game and we can use them properly too. Esportsku has been trying to find and connect itself from their lore-lore. Of course, it will be even more interesting if you know the story of Alucard x Miya Mobile Legends (ML)
Especially for now we can find out a lot of Kisha’s love interest from the Mobile Legends game. Surely with all that kind of thing, surely you guys will understand better later and maybe won’t want to miss it.
If you compete later, don’t forget to know the Two Support Meta on Mobile Legend which you can see. Because with meta like this, there will be no more enemies who can beat you when you compete later.
Especially for now, you can also know that. For example, there is information about the story of Alucard x Miya Mobile Legends.
Maybe with something like that. Your curiosity about the story of the two of them can be fulfilled right away too.
The story of Alucard x Miya Mobile Legends (ML)
You could say that Alucard and Miya are indeed one of the Couples in the Mobile Legends game first. There are lots of similar things between the two of them. So that finally we can find out if the skin is similar.
So for the initial story of Alucard and Miya in the Mobile Legends game, Moonton hasn’t explained it yet because Rolenya or the series of this game flow has not been continued. It’s just clear, Alurcard Miya has become a partner.
As we know Alucard is a Demon Hunter and Miya is an Elf with fantastic strength. Even they also have almost the same background, which has a relationship with the Leonines.
Alucard and Harith are the adoptive brothers, while Miya and Nana, who are friends or you could say Nana, think miya is her brother. Now from things like this some say, if Miya and Alucard met from there.
We know that Harith and Nana are friends, then if you look at it, maybe Alucard and Miya met because of things like this. Maybe from Situ, their love story finally arose because of the presence of 2 Leonins who were guarded by the two of them.
The story of Alucard x Miya Mobile Legends (ML)
Their story began to like it was very strong from that part, until finally Alucard and Miya were always together in facing the enemies in the Land of Dawn. At the time of the game, Miya was jealous of Alucard.
Sounds to Miya’s voice, when meeting Alucard in the game. When they have known each other for a long time, they finally fall in love and a power of Love appears on Valentine’s Day. Where this is the Valentine Skin that was present at that time.
That way they finally were inaugurated as a Love Couple in Mobile Legends and Land Of Dawn today. You might not be curious anymore, after knowing the original story they met and got this skin.
So who is an Alucard user in this Mobile Legends game, don’t ignore the girl who is the Miya user too. Who knows, you will become a soul mate, because the hero has a pretty good love story for us to see.
Even so, remember, This is not yet included in the Original Role and may be coming soon. But now we just need to wait for Harith and Nana to get a Skin Couple. When their sister already has it but they don’t.
After knowing the story of Alucard x Miya Mobile Legends, maybe the feeling of wanting to use the two heroes is high. What are you waiting for? Come on, let’s just have the character and the Skin Coupling, so that it becomes more harmonious too.
If you play the Free Fire game, then try one of the 1001 Cool Names available today. Make no mistake if that name is 1001, we can use it in the Mobile Legends game too. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!
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