7 Items for Counter Baxia Jungle Mobile Legends (ML)

It's different if you play it on the sidelane or tank, Baxia is a little less well positioned. But being a jungle means that he can help all his team members in various lanes. This can be said as greedy support.


Baxia as a jungler is indeed very troublesome considering he is very difficult to fight. Farming speed and high mobility force you to know Baxia jungle Mobile Legends (ML) counter items. It’s different if you play it on the sidelane or tank, Baxia is a little less well positioned. But being a jungle means that he can help all his team members in various lanes. This can be said as greedy support.

Actually against Baxia is not that difficult, it’s just that if the player is aggressive and knows what to do it will be very difficult. Especially Baxia jungle is strong in teamfight and ganking.

His great fighting and roaming capabilities cannot be underestimated. Baxia in the jungle is probably one of the most effective ways to play it because it is more free and flexible in doing map control.

With some of these items, it is hoped that you can counter Baxia. He is very superior and strong in terms of damage and sustain. Not to mention that Baxia can rotate very quickly and help his team members.

The reason why Baxia’s damage hurts so much is because his 2nd skill has a %HP scaling. This is very strong considering that he can spam continuously if left unchecked without stopping.

Here are some items that might help you against Baxia :


Oracle can be very important to fight Baxia considering he can reduce heal and shield effects naturally. With Oracle you can also increase heal and shield as well as reduce Baxia’s damage which is basically magic. One of the strong Baxia jungle Mobile Legends counter items.

This item will also be very strong if you combine it with Athena. With additional HP, at least you can make yourself thicker when fighting Baxia who likes spam skills later.

Athena’s Shield

Additional HP and magic defense will be very important against Baxia. This item also provides a shield if you are hit by magic damage from it and can be stronger if you combine it with Oracle.

Athena’s Shield is also very strong if there is a magic burst hero Baxia on the opposing team as a counter item for Baxia jungle Mobile Legends. This item is unfortunately less effective if you fight DoT heroes like Baxia’s ultimate fire, but the stats are very good.

Radiant Armor

Don’t miss the Radiant Armor because you could say this item is the best choice for those of you who want to fight Baxia. The strength of Baxia is his continuous damage and strong Radiant Armor in this case as a counter item for Baxia jungle Mobile Legends.

Brute Force Breastplate

BFB is also very strong for those of you who fight Baxia. Indeed, roughly speaking, this item will not protect you from Baxia’s magic damage and %HP. This item however gives a high HP stat and a very strong passive against him.

Thunder Belt

You can say that you must use the Thunder Belt if you use thick heroes on HP. This was because apart from the favorable stats, the passive effect was terrible. Scaling with %HP can also counter Baxia if you want to use this Baxia jungle Mobile Legends counter item.

Divine Glaive

If you use mage heroes with high damage, you can also use Divine Glaive. This item can penetrate Baxia who usually uses anti magic builds. Your damage can penetrate quite far with Glaive.

Malefic Roar

Malefic Roar is an alternative to Divine Glaive if you use physical heroes. The high damage from Malefic Roar is very strong because it can penetrate Baxia’s relatively thick armor.

So that’s a few counter items for Baxia jungle Mobile Legends. You have to try and use it, because fighting Baxia in the jungle is very difficult. Especially if the players are very smart to take advantage of the advantages of this hero. Keep practicing, play wisely and don’t become a toxic player!

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