How to get 5 star characters in Genshin Impact
For beginners, this is how to get a 5 star character in Genshin Impact. Make sure you get a character that you like! them are 4 star and 5 star characters.
This is how to get a 5 star character in Genshin Impact. As you know, Genshin Impact has two rarities on characters that you can play. Two of them are 4 star and 5 star characters.
4 star characters are usually common characters that can be obtained easily. The 4-star character itself can even be obtained for free at Genshin Impact. Not only that, for the Wish event, you can get it easily too.
But it’s different from 5 star characters. This character is arguably quite difficult to get. Beginner players are definitely confused about how to get a 5 star character in Genshin Impact. For that we present this review.
On this occasion, Esportsku will give you a way to get a 5-star character in Genshin Impact. Now for those of you beginners who are still confused about getting it, let’s look at the following reviews.
How to get 5 star characters in Genshin Impact
In the game Genshin Impact, there is only one way to get a 5 star character. Now the way is to do Gacha on the Wish Event in the game. Now for those who don’t know, see the full review below.
- First, please open your Genshin Impact game.
- Enter the menu by pressing the character icon on the right and you will find many menus later.
- Please go to the menu called Wish on some of the menus.
- Next enter the Wish menu and do Draw / Gacha.
- Next, please do as much Gacha as possible, if you are lucky you will get a 5 star character.
- Do Gacha every day!
In addition, it is not easy to get 5 star characters. You have to do at least 89 Gacha times to get just one 5 star character.
But if you’re lucky, you can get it easily in a single pull or just a few gacha. To be sure, it all depends on your luck playing Genshin Impact.
To do gacha, you can use Primogems, while to get primogems you can buy Crystal Genesis or get it for free by participating in the Event.
In addition, there is a Pity count if you want to get a 5 star character, and there is a Limited Banner if you want to get a limited 5 star.
For 10x Draw you will get at least one 4 star character, then if you have reached 89 draw, then you will get a 5 star guaranteed character.
For those of you who want to get free primogems, you can also read the following method. Hopefully this is useful and see you soon!