5 Champion Counter Seraphine LOL Mobile Wild Rift

The new champion in the wild rift this time has a very strong skill and is quite complete. This champion has damage, cc and even shield and heal skills.


Here we will discuss about Champion Counter Seraphine LoL Mobile Wild Rift. Sometimes the mage in the wild rift can be a support. The new champion in the wild rift, seraphine, is currently widely used, because of its strong skills. But in fact, there are quite a lot of counter champion seraphines in Wild Rift.

The new champion in the wild rift this time has a very strong skill and is quite complete. This champion has damage, cc and even shield and heal skills. By having these complete skills, this champion has a pick rate high enough to use. The champion is seraphine. With the skills he has, many have difficulty fighting it.

Many have difficulty fighting seraphines, because the skills they have are quite complete and can attack enemies easily. In fact, seraphine can also be a support because it has strong cc skills with strong heal. However, by using certain champions, you can attack seraphines well, because there are some that can counter seraphines.


Champion counter seraphine lol mobile wild rift

The 5 seraphine champion counters in this wild rift can help you fight it. The champions can be seen below:

  • Soraka
  • Bliztcrank
  • Sona
  • Nami
  • Lux

Here we will provide tips about 5 Champion Counter Seraphine in Wild Rift, which you can use. If you have trouble fighting this one champion, you can try this champion.


One of the weaknesses of mages when playing is silence. What makes soraka very strong as support is the silenc followed by root. Not only that, the area it has is wide enough to hit multiple enemies at once.



Bliztcrank can pull seraphine quickly and provide lockdown with stun, knock up and then silence. With bliztcrank, seraphine may be difficult to run and save themselves. However, you still need the team’s help, because the bliztcrank damage is not as big as you think.



Sona can keep the team well against enemies. Besides having heal, Sona can also provide strong poke damage in attacking enemies. If the enemy starts to gather around the seraphine to get a buff, you can use the ultimate to stop the enemy’s movement.



Nami can give heal and buff to the team. In addition, Nami can also give cc to the enemy with the ultimate who has a sufficient amount of aoe to start a team fight. You can fight seraphine by giving cc to it.



Lux is almost similar to seraphine with a fairly complete skill. However, Lux is stronger regarding damage because it has a passive which can provide additional damage, and quite a lot of damage skills.


Those are the tips about 5 Champion Counter Seraphine in Wild Rift, which you can use. If you are confused in dealing with seraphine, you can try to use the existing champion.